*もくじ [#k8564dde]
 *もくじ/index [#k8564dde]
 **日本語 [#db388ecb]
 ***Q.1  私たちに何が出来ますか? [#m61d7b32]
 A. この事実を広め、抗議と支援の輪を作ることです。~
 ***Q.2 具体的にどこに知らせればいいのですか? [#l25d37b6]
 A. 日本、世界の様々な掲示板やブログです。~
 Q.3 他にできる行動は?
 A. 政府や議員に意見のメールを出しましょう。~
 **英語 [#oec93dae]
 ***Q.4 東トルキスタン政府ってテロ組織って聞いたけど [#e5f23a81]
 A. 亡命政府と過激派武装集団は違います。~
 ***Q.5 本当に数百万人台の犠牲者はいたの? [#f30966ca]
 A. 現在様々な資料を読む限り可能性は十分にありえると認識しています。~
 ***Q.6 なぜこんなに酷い事なのに日本で報道されないの? [#hc0f1ae4]
 A. 日中記者交換協定 の影響です。~
 ***Q.7 中国に対して内政干渉になる恐れはないの? [#ya0f3602]
 A. 国連憲章には加盟国の人権の普遍的尊重及び尊守が明記され義務付けられています。~
 国際連合加盟国には法的義務は無いものの国連憲章第1章及び各種人権条約によって努力が義務付けられています。特に「あらゆる形態の人種差別の撤廃に関する国際条約」には中国も批准を行っています。しかし、実態はどうなのでしょうか?アメリカ議会下院国際関係委員会やイギリス政府の「人権年次報告書二〇〇四(Human Rights Annual Report 2004)」だけでなくアムネスティ・インターナショナルやヒューマンライツウォッチなどの国際的な大きな人権団体までもが中国の東トルキスタンでの弾圧に言及しています。つまり中華人民共和国は国際連合の加盟国ならず安全保障理事会の常任理事国にもかかわらず義務及び努力を怠っているわけなのです。この様に国際機関に言及されていて既に中国の内政問題ではないと同時に、中国の国際的義務の怠慢の問題でもあるのです。
 ***Q.8 スペインのバスク地方、トルコのクルド問題のような国内の自治体問題ではないのか? [#v50da048]
 A. 両国共に国際的圧力を受けて改善の努力を行いました。~
 **English [#oec93dae]
 ***Q.1 What can I do for? [#e32a52d8]
 Q.1 What can I do for? 
 A. Tell your friends of the serious human-rights violations by Chinese Communist Party in East Turkistan. ~
 Appeal for the urgent necessity of international help to put an end human rights abuses. Uyghur people of East Turkistan aspire to create a peaceful, nonviolent, and democratic society. ~
 **Q.2 Besides my friends, I’d like to make much people aware of this issue. [#z860a11b]
 ***Q.2 Besides my friends, I’d like to make much people aware of this issue. [#z860a11b]
 Q.2 Besides my friends, I’d like to make much people aware of this issue. 
 A. Post messages on bbs, forum pages around the world. ~
 There are many bulletin boards or individual blog covering social problems or human rights related topics. Now leave your messages on these web pages. 
 In addition, you can submit your appeals directly to international organizations or authorities via email. For example, it can be a good idea to send a mail telling such as “boycott the Beijing Olympics in 2008!” to the IOC. 
 +Human Rights Organization, NGOs around the world;
 +Politicians, journalists, academic authorities, governments, embassies, especially to Chinese Embassies abroad;
 +Forums for Islamic people;
 +Forums or blog for people in Taiwan or Hong Kong;
 +Saving the Tibet campaign or organization;
 +Forums or BBS related to China and the Chinese;
 ++Human Rights Organization, NGOs around the world;
 ++Politicians, journalists, academic authorities, governments, embassies, especially to Chinese Embassies abroad;
 ++Forums for Islamic people;
 ++Forums or blog for people in Taiwan or Hong Kong;
 ++Saving the Tibet campaign or organization;
 ++Forums or BBS related to China and the Chinese;
 Raise human rights issues about Uyghurs in East Turkistan: large persecution of Uyghur people, executing political prisoners, cultural genocide, enforcement of abortion, labeling Uyghurs as terrorists or separatism conducted by the Chinese Communist Party. 
 &lt;&lt;[[Template for boards:http://plasticdreams.tm.land.to/?%A5%D5%A5%A9%A1%BC%A5%E9%A5%E0%BD%F1%A4%AD%B9%FE%A4%DF%CD%D1%A5%C6%A5%F3%A5%D7%A5%EC#y8938689]]&gt;&gt;~
 &lt;&lt;[[Template for mails:http://plasticdreams.tm.land.to/?%A5%E1%A1%BC%A5%EB%A5%C6%A5%F3%A5%D7%A5%EC#p59ba0f1]]&gt;&gt;
 Note: do not send millions of messages to someone may not have concern. We are NOT spammers nor net board hackers! 
 ***Q.3 It is told that members of East Turkistan government in Exile it true are terrorists… [#ye7f8525]
 Q.3 It is told that members of East Turkistan government in Exile it true are terrorists… 
 ***Q.3 They say that members of East Turkistan government in Exile it true are terrorists… [#ye7f8525]
 Q.3 It is told that members of East Turkistan government in Exile are terrorists… 
 A. ABUSOLUTELY NO. The government in Exile of East Turkistan has a basic philosophy of establishment of an independent democratic, liberal and multiethnic state, although the Chinese communist party has been labeled them as Islamic militant or extreme radicals. Note: We supporters scope is to appeal human rights issue in East Turkistan, not to step deeply into national or international political subjects.
 ***Q.4 Is that the really the case, millions of Uyghur victims? [#i65f06c1]
 A. Difficult to confirm, but could be conceivable and credible. ~
 Because the situation, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region has been totally under control of Chinese government so far, it is almost impossible to figure out actual numbers of victims or to obtain sufficient reliable sources. Some of statistics regarding this area have been officially reported by Chinese authority. However, it is assumed these data presented by Chinese government are much doubtful. Consider China is a single-party domination and communist-ruled country. Some independent and useful reports are available at East Turkistan Information Centre ~
 (see http://www.uygur.org/). 
 So now, we, every single person, have to gather information globally and to analyze it with fair judgment. 
 Related information to crackdown on Uyghur people by China. 
 -http://uygur.fc2web.com/uygur5.html (Japanese) 
 -http://www.uygur.org/japan/et/2005/0929.htm (Japanese) 
 -http://www.medical-tribune.co.jp/ss/2000-9-25/9ss2.htm(abortion issue in China)(Japanese) 
 -http://pop.org/main.cfm?EID=307 (English) 
 -http://web.amnesty.org/report2005/chn-summary-eng (English) 
 -http://www.tibettruth.com/uyghur.html (English) 
 -http://www.ishipress.com/abortion.htm (English)